Monday, November 15, 2010

home sweet home

We are in Hawaii!! Horaay!  Wayne started working for Delta on Monday, our flight benefits kicked in on Thursday, and we took our flight home on Friday! lol Wayne actually booked me to leave on Thursday, but I insisted I needed at least one day to pack and prepare.  He flew down with us Friday afternoon and flew back Saturday night.  Being here . . . I don't know a better way to say this, but  . . . being here, I feel like I can finally BREATHE again.  I love it here.  When we were planning the flight, I kept thinking of excuses why we should wait to take our first flight to Hawaii and Wayne kept giving me more options on when I could leave.  I jokingly said, "Wow. It seems like you're trying to get rid of me!"  Totally serious, he said, "No. I just know how important it is to you."  Ah.  I love my husband.

During the day he was here, we got to visit the last day of the Laie Hawaii Temple open house.  The temple has been closed for over two years for remodeling and before it's rededicated it is open to the public for a short time for viewing. The girls got to go inside too.  We are so grateful we had this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Latu Family - Laie Hawaii Temple Nov. 2010

* Something I want to remember - We've told Malia and Kina numerous times in the past that the temple is the Lord's house.  While we were inside, Malia kept whispering, "Mommy, where's Jesus?"


daveandsavani said...

too cute malia's comment!! i am soo happy you are in hawaii!!! yay for flight benefits and right on for using them right away. haha. wayne's comment totally reminded me of conversations that david and i have all the time. david knows how much i love being at home so whenever im grouchy (which is like never ;) he always suggests that maybe i should go to hawaii. and my reply is always, "are you trying to get rid of me?" haha. im sure he is but i dont care cause im going to hawaii. haha. how long are you going to be there? we're coming at the end of the week! and so is Line and Saia.

Tina said...

that is a sweet comment! ...and a trip to Hawaii when it's not even your birthday. you win!

Inouyes said...

Aww fun I'm glad you got to go back home. Malia's comment *tear* your better then me I have all these trips planned and only my husband has gone CURSE my work right now lol!..we need to fly out there for a girls weekend :) FOR REO <3 YA!

Line said...

Awww, I'm so HAPPY that 1) you get to be at home, 2) you guys got to go to the open house as a fam, 3) that wayne works for Delta, and 4) that we're coming home too and will see you guys in HAWAII!!! Yay!

Crystal said...

i looooooove malias comment. it def put a smile on my face!!! and im so glad all 5 of u got to go in to the temple together. :) so sweet!

Unknown said...

I WISH I could be home for the temple open house/dedication--what a once in a lifetime experience! And the princess party=AWESOME!

lilika'imoana said...

ok LOVE the family photo in front of the temple! welcome home ;)

Kam said...

Awwwww geez, I seriously said out loud "awwwww" when I read Malia's comment about Jesus.
How awesome is that for your husband to be working for Delta! Peter tried a few times to get in to Delta but never got it, lol. I just think it's so awesome that you guys are back home enjoying the sun, loving your family and friends and being at the beautiful Laie Temple (sigh). Now, you can go back home whenever you want and that's a true blessing (especially for your girls). Love the fam pic, so precious.

Le'o Hafoka said...

awwwwwwwww, I love this family pic! ha ha ha ha That's so cute of Malia! I'm so happy that you and the girls got to go to Hawaii and be there for the dedication and everything! love you guys so much!!! (I can't believe how fast the girls are growing!!!) You guys look great!

gramma peggy said...

Hi Mary,

I had to smile when I read your line, "I feel like I can finally breathe again".
That's exactly how I felt when I arrived in California for the first time at age 17.

I actually used those words: "I can breathe here!"

I still feel that way. Here AND in Hawaii. It is hard to explain, but it is so real and so true.

Aloha, and welcome home, Mary!



PS. I love Malia's "picture taking smile"! (It's more like a grimace. I do that, too.)

Margaret Vance said...

You and Savani... you LUCKY DUCKS! I wish we could enjoy the best of both worlds with flight benefits!!!!