Wednesday, November 10, 2010

good times

It's so important to me that my kids know and love their grandparents and family.  My parents always made that a priority in our family and I'm so grateful for that.  Dad, Gramma Peggy and Uncle Pupi were in town last week and we got to spend some time with each of them.  
We went to BYU's Museum of Art with Gramma Peggy.  We sat and watched while
the girls ran around this light display for about an hour.  It was fun to watch them run. . .
and even MORE fun to watch them collapse with exhaustion afterward and nap the
rest of the afternoon!
We went to Aunty Ireen's house to make bread and Uncle Pupi entertained
Tali while we were baking.  After playing with her for a while, he got up to leave
and she started crying.  He sat back down again and she stopped immediately.
 It was so cute.
We went to the Discovery Park with Dad and Mom.
Dad pushed Malia and Kina on these swings for-e-ver.
When he finally stopped Kina was sound asleep IN her swing. haha

Thank you for coming to visit us!  We love you!!

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