Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 family pics


Thanks Maka for the wonderful pics!


Lizette Pope said...

Oh My Gosh! These pictures are sooo dang cute! I la la love them!

Line said...

love the pix mary!

Le'o Hafoka said...

i love these pics, Mar! thanks for sharing. miss you all so much!!

Inouyes said...

Gorgeous fam good job maka!

hine.T said...

Beautiful family pics!

Crystal said...

your girls are ADORABLE!!! i love seeing family pics!! yay!!

ps. so i might've not told the whole and complete truth. lol. you'll understand when u see my blog! lol.

Ipo said...

Beautiful family photos of a beautiful family. So glad I can keep up with the growing babies here online!! Love it!

miss you.

Unknown said...

ahhhh. you guys are beautiful. Love them. I can't believe how chubby baby Tali is getting. . Sooooo cute!

lilika'imoana said...

please make more babies because you guys make BEAUTIFUL people!! hehe. happy new year latu family!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Love the pics, Mary. Your family is SO gorgeous. =)