Tuesday, July 19, 2011

soo wacky

Several months ago, my mom sent the book Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Suess for the girls.  I remember reading it when I was a kid.  It is about a boy who wakes up and realizes that his whole town has gone "wacky".  Birds are chasing cats and shoes are on ceilings and walls etc.  Each picture in the book has several wacky things for the reader to find.  My girls LOVE it.  They ask to read it every night and know all the wacky things by heart.

I kind of expected this reaction from them since I loved it so much as a kid too, but what I didn't expect is for them to use the word "wacky" so often in their vocabulary.  Anything I do that isn't exactly right (like call them the wrong name (I'm my mother's daughter), or put their panties on backwards etc.) they'll laugh and say "Mommy, you're so wacky!" I've kinda grown accustomed to it since it's been a few weeks, but it still makes me giggle to see other's do a little double-take when they hear them use it.  And what's even better, it is now an adjective that Wayne and I use in everyday speech - which causes most people to give us funny looks. Oh well. It's all for the kids, right? Haha


lilika'imoana said...

hahaha such as cute post--i used to read that book too! love that the whole family uses wacky tho LOL

Andrea said...

I honestly don't think I've ever heard of the book! That is such a cute post though! I can't believe how big your girls are getting, they are seriously GORGEOUS, just like their mama!

Uale Family said...

MARRRYYYYY!!! Can i just tell you how much i LOVE YOUR POSTS!! I am constantly on here checking to see if you posted anything new!! No matter how "wacky" they are:) LOL!! This is post is a perfect example of why i enjoy your fun, loving posts!! Love you guys!!

Line said...

lol i love dr. suess!

Crystal said...

that is so funny. lol. ill def be watching out for their new vocabulary word! hehe!