Tuesday, December 20, 2011

grandma vai

Last night the girls had a sleepover at Grandma's house.  
I picked them up this morning and they'd had so much fun.  
I'm so grateful for Vai for ALL she does for the girls and for me.

. . .and I'm so grateful to know that Kina CAN stay still to get her hair done . . .when she chooses to.


gramma peggy said...

But she doesn't have to be happy about it!

daveandsavani said...

Vai is awesome! and this is the cutest picture! definitely a priceless moment =)

Crystal said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG, that picture is HILARIOUS!!! looooove it! i wonder the same thing though....hina will never stay still for me longer than 2 seconds. i always wanna do cute things to her hair, but she wont let me. somehow my mom and line have been able to braid her hair, but not me! hmmm.....???

mary said...

LOL! o KAY KAY KAY!. i'm glad my kids aren't the only ones. seriously, she SCREAMS when i even TOUCH her head. . . i don't know how vai does it. haha