Thursday, February 16, 2012

happy heart day

Like I've said before, I'm not a huge lover or hater of Valentine's Day. To me it's just another day that I have to worry about my husband spending too much money (money that we don't have) on a gift haha.  Having said that, I have to give Wayne a big A PLUS on Valentine's Day.  I believe his goal was to make me feel special and loved and he did both those things.  He left for work early in the morning, but I woke up to a decorated house and this candy bar poster . . .

Then, I found this little sign with a ribbon that led me to. . . .

. . . this little set-up downstairs.  It was roses and Cheat Day cupcakes (my favorite!)

At night Wayne took me on a fun group date with some friends. Thank you Wayne! It was perfect!  Hope everyone had a very happy Valentines Day!


Line said...

Very sweet valentines day! mary, good, Saia WISHES I didn't care about valentines.hahaha

lilika'imoana said...

this is sooooo sweet! i love the rhyme poster, my favorite was the list of extras that couldn't find rhyme hahahaha hilarious!