Friday, March 16, 2012

happy st. patricks day!

St. Patrick's day is usually one of those holidays I don't celebrate. I think the most I've ever done is wear green for the day.  This year, I decided to have a play date to celebrate. It was extremely last minute - but it was a blast. We potlucked lunch, had a few Irishy games and decorated cookies. Seriously, it showed me how easy it is for kids to have FUN. And because it was such a succes with so little effort, I've now decided I will celebrate every holiday (no matter how insignificant to me) with a playdate (it sounds a lot less intimidating than a "party").

Here are my tips of a successful playdate - 
Potluck lunch - no one has to break the bank and the kids end up with a feast full of a variety of foods.

Have a few SIMPLE activities planned - of course, cookie decorating works for ANY holiday and the kids LOVE it.

When possible, have the kids come color coordinated or in costume - they totally sense the difference and it makes for great pictures.

And lastly, do it with awesome moms who are fun, beautiful, talented and don't mind last minute kine stuff.

Hope everyone had a Happy St. Patricks Day!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

so fun!! i love ALL holidays. even st.pattys day! celebrating with playdates is always a great excuse to get together and have fun!!