Monday, June 09, 2008


Today was a momentous day in the Latu house - Malia said "mama"! The first time it happened was in the morning while I was getting her dressed for the day . . . then, I think because of the positive, enthusiastic response she received, it happened a few more times throughout the day. She's been so VERY vocal lately - always trying to make some new noise with her mouth and tongue. She's been loving saying "ga" and "ba" for the past week, but she was saved the "ma" for today. :) Now, do I think she really knows that the meaning of those two syllables put together is a name for her dear mother. . .no, not really. But, it still made my heart swell a leetle bit to hear her say it.


Vika said...

Oh Mary, that is so cute. I can't wait for Malik to say something else other than bah, bah, etc.

Amanda said...

Mary! Malia is so cute! I didn't know you guys had a blog :) This is great since we haven't seen Malia in person yet. She's super cute. We miss you guys. Hope all is well. We should get together sometime!

Corinne said...

Yay for Malia! That is huge Mary!!