After the baby blessing, the family put on an eating for Kina at the Willowbrook Condos clubhouse.
Aunty Isa went ALL OUT on the decorations. She and the girls started decorating early and made the bare room completely gorgeous with lanterns, flowers and lights everywhere. For reals, I felt like I was at Kina's wedding. I took a lot of pictures so Kina knows how much her family loves her . . . and so when her birthdays and wedding role around she won't expect anything too fancy cause she already had her BIG party. lol.
The finished product was perfect! The food arrived and the party was complete. Wayne's mom, Vai had stayed up the whole night before to cook and prepare the most delicious food ever - ham, chicken, kumala, puteni. . . seriously, there was SO much food. Mele and Kaliti brought food all the way from Logan and Aunty Isa made Wayne's favorite chicken . Aunty Fine made her famous chicken puupuu's - I made Kina save me a plate cause I was busy taking pictures and I knew it would be gone first - THAT's how good her chicken is. People came and ate and ate and ate. It was so nice to visit with our friends and family and celebrate the special day.
Saia made like he didn't want to take this picture cause he knew it would be on here. Come on now, Saia - at least now you have something interesting to look at while you're doing your routine check up on my blog. lol.
We're so grateful so many of our friends could come. We love you guys! Because of some, err. . . miscommunication and confusion some invites weren't extended on time to several people. I'm sorry guys! My bad!:(
Wayne and his dad
Overall, the eating was absolutely perfect. I was completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and generosity showed us. So many sacrificed so much to make this so nice for everyone. It was absolutely beautiful. Thank you, family, for such a special night. It is something we will remember always.
Overall, the eating was absolutely perfect. I was completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and generosity showed us. So many sacrificed so much to make this so nice for everyone. It was absolutely beautiful. Thank you, family, for such a special night. It is something we will remember always.
Isa...that is so her MS Crafty :)! What a SPECIAL event Kina will grow up to remember...Heavenly Father has blessed your family tremendously you have 2 gorgeous daughters! I am bummed we weren't there to share the lovely event with you and your family sorry we were out of town:( Luv u guys!
The food was soooo YUMMY! My mouth is watering just thinking about it. :) And you're absolutely right, Mary. Saia feels so real that his pic made it onto your blog! (He thinks he's a celebrity)LOL
Family, friends and good food... can it get any better?
how fun is that?!?!? what a party! hey, i wanted to let you know that the guy who i get my football pictures from took a bunch of wayne and his TD, so check it out and copy them if you want!
we had a great time and yes, the food was great!
how YUMMY!!! The rooms looks so beautiful and I'm salivating just 'thinking' of Aunty Isa's food! Everything looked wonderful!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAYNE!! (I really came on here to see if Aunty Isa & Aunty Vai are cooking for his birthday....I guess we will just eat our normal bread & water again for dinner tonight...:( lol
OK-K-K-K-K?!!! In 16 years I'll be watching her episode of "My Super Sweet Sixteen" on MTV! Hm, can I be on the show? I'll even let her yell at me when I tell her we somehow couldn't arrange to have the 16 hottest guys in the world present her with 1600 deep red calla lillies in her bedroom when she wakes up that Well, ok, so you'll think about it?
thanks for having us, i ate soooo much food that day! it's always so good seeing your wonderful family!
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