Monday, November 24, 2008

playdate with margie

Last week we had a small-kine BYUH/PCC reunion when Margaret Racule Vance came up to Utah for a visit with her two kids. I haven't seen her since 2005 - BEFORE her oldest daughter was born. She was my Fiji lead at night show for a few years before my mission and attended BYUH while we were all there. It was so nice to visit with each other and eat Tianas yummy ham sandwiches and all the other food everyone brought. Though it was reeeeally cold, the kiddies had fun running around, playing on the swings and playing with each other.

Align Center

Line and Spencer
(he LOVED the swings)

Margaret, Wesley and Nia
(aren't her kids gorgeous? yes, they are both from the same 2 parents. lol)

Tiana and Lupe
(when some teenage boys started to play rough on the swings she quickly yelled, "stop it! you're going to break them!!" You GO GIRL!)

Me and Malia (and Kina behind in stroller)
(Malia was enjoying her cheeto. . .I mean, uh, her carrot)

Lene, Rachel, Elise and Hutch
(and the winner of the "most kids award" goes to. . . lol)

all the kidddies

Again, we really only do these play dates for the kids. lol. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.


Leise said...

I looove Malia's kine carrots! Wow, Margaret's how you have to clarify that they're from the same parents hahaha

Ipo said...

Fun! But I gotta say, the mommy's all look cold!! For some reason kids don't care if it's cold when they are at the playground. Troopers!!

RazakFamily said...

That looks like it was so much fun! I am jealous - and wish that I had been invited :)

Line said...

Thanks for posting the pix! I totally stole a bunch! :) I love Malia's "carrot" lol. If only her "carrot" were as many calories as real carrots! hahaha

Margaret Vance said...

That was so fun! Thanks so much for putting that together! I showed Simeon the pictures and he kept going on about how its "not fair" that there are such nice parks there... LOL! by the way, you forgot to mention the TO DIE FOR BROWNIES AND OF COURSE THE HOT-OUT-OF-THE-OVEN PIZZA.

Inouyes said...

All the Kiddies are soooo cute!

Tina said...

Oh that looks like so much fun. Cute pix! I'll be there next time for sure!

A.Niu said...

OMgosh thats shaun's first cousin Tiana. Hey does she live in Utah now??? My gosh I need to get out more. Im sad, My husband will be in utah for a week and Ill be all alone with his 5 kids.:(

Unknown said...

Looks like fun. Gotta try those delish ham sandwiches. :)

Nia said...

SO FUN!!! If I had kids I would wanna join your play group. But at the rate I'm going.... Your kids will be taking care of mine. LOL!

ma'elePHOTO said...

LOVE the playdates at the park. I'm so excited to Margaret and Tiana in your pics. I knew these two WAAAAAY back... the LHS days, hanging out under the coconut trees eating saimini and keke. LOL! Love it! How come Margaret looks THE SAME! Awesome genes! Love this post Mary! Love ya'll!!!