Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Soooooo, I fell off the wagon, but I've climbed back on and expect a full recovery from my recent lack of motivation to update my blog. For therapy sake, here is my list of reasons why I haven't blogged for a month. . .
  1. The holidays were soooo busy. It was too hard to keep up with every thing as it happened and I hate doing things out of chronological order. Honestly, it's killing me even now to write this list while I haven't posted pics from Christmas and New Years. . . but I'll get to that eventually. . . I just have to start somewhere.
  2. My camera was getting junkier and junkier. It's old. And then I LOST it for a couple weeks. Aargh. After I found it, Wayne finally relented to my consistent pleas for a new camera and now I have it!! - it's beautiful and I love it and it is inspiring me to take a lot more pictures. The quality is awesome.
  3. I've been sick. Wayne has been sick. Malia and Kina have both been sick. Aargh. Annoying, but everyone is now either well or on the upswing so blogging is now on the priority list again.
  4. We had no computer for a week or two. Since my desktop crashed we had been using a BYU laptop, but Wayne had to turn it back in soo we were computerless UNTIL my mom saved the day and lent us her laptop she isn't using. Yes, we are poor struggling students. . . one day we'll have a laptop. . . one day. . .lol
  5. The weather. Snow makes me feel so lazy. lol. That sounds retarded, but it's true.
However, after the pep talks I've recieved from other faithful bloggers (thanks IPO!!) and sincere encouragement from my husband (yup, he MISSES the blog. lol) I am totally ready and excited to climb back on the blogging wagon and ride into the sunset. lol. I'm starting here and am going to cheat and backdate to fill in January in the next few days. Gotta cover up this bad month. :) (I'm also looking forward to getting caught up on all your lives and blogs. I feel I've been away for way too long) Feels good to be back!!!


Line said...

Welcome back! The blogging world has missed you! Hahaha

sarana said...

i was wondering if you were still alive? guess i could've called! i'll call you next week.

and why don't you play for your ward bball team? i played for the provo ward and played ya'll last week. we lost, but it was a good game.

harmony said...

don't forget...you also had a roast in the crock pot!

Ipo said...

Well, when I encouraged you to hurry up and blog again, I didn't know that you were going to come back with a vengance! Girl, I'm going to dedicate two whole hours to read and catch up on your blog! But I asked for it, didn't I? Glad to see you're back!! And my, oh my! Your sister is waaaaayyyy talented!! Love her art!

jaY said...

y didnt u just make wayne blog? we all know he's kinda soft like dat!