Sunday, February 08, 2009

to talk or not to talk. . . that is the question

While Malia doesn't really TALK yet, per say, she babbles a LOT and has her own version of several words that she uses often. For posterity's sake, here's the list in no particular order.

  • ba = ball
  • pees = please (she only uses this one if it's something she normally wouldn't get with just the usual hand gesture ie candy, chocolate, soda etc.)
  • kees = keys (she knows which buttons on my key less entry key chain make the car honk - we can hear it from our house)
  • go = let's go (usually accompanies the "kees" - she always wants to go somewhere)
  • da da = daddy
  • kika = kina
  • ma ma = mommy (she doesn't say this one NEARLY as much as she says "dada" or "kika")
  • beby = baby (referring to Kina or to her baby doll)
  • uh-oh = uh oh (for when something bad happens OR for when she is singing along to Beyonce's Single Ladies. . . thanks Tali and Sili for teaching my child such uplifting music)
  • buk = book
  • wa wa = water
  • hi = hi
  • buh biyee = bye bye
  • dis = this
  • dun, too, eeee = one, two, three
  • ow = ouch (she'll go bonk her head on purpose sometimes just to be able to say this)
  • tinty = stinky
  • ka-kone = popcorn (the only reason why I know it means popcorn is because she says it when we sing the popping on the apricot tree song)
  • NO = no! (by FAR her most favorite word. often accompanied by a swat at the air. She will say it at any given moment whether being asked a question or not. Quite embarrasing for mommy when she does it to strangers trying to say how cute she is.)
Animal noises Malia makes. . .
  • dog
  • lion (or any animal that goes "raaaaaah!)
  • horse
  • sheep
  • bird
  • cow
  • mouse
  • whale (my favorite. she goes "mmmmmmmmmmmmm" all throaty and deep. it's hilarious)

Things she likes to point to on herself . . .
  • nose
  • foot
  • hand
  • hair
  • eyes
  • ear

I feel like my little baby is growing up so fast. She is trying so hard to talk and to communicate with us. She'll whisper and giggle and shout all while she is babbling. It's so funny to see and listen to.


Tina said...

Wow, what a big girl! Looks like Tau and I have some catching up to do.

harmony said...

so cute...yeah, ahonui's got his own words for things too. he says "dee-dees" for "thank you". don't ask me where he got that from. lol!

Brittany said...

i love all your pics and posts! isn't it fun when they start to talk! so funny... hope you guys are doing well

Inouyes said...

She is so smart I swear in a few months she is going to be talking your ear off..CUTE Blog!