Sunday, August 24, 2008

BABY KINA - President Samuelsons Visit

On Saturday night, President Samuelson called Wayne and asked if he could come and see us in the hospital. Aside from knowing Wayne through his position at BYU, President Samuelson is in Wayne's home ward and has been a close family friend for many years. Two and a half years ago, he was our sealer and married us in the Mt. Timp temple, so we feel he has played a very special role in our little family's' life.

Since he has extensive experience in the medical field and was President of Intermountain Health Care, it was especially nice to talk to him about Kina's condition and Primary Children's Hospital. He shared a little bit of the history of the hospital which he was involved in and it just made me even more grateful for this incredible facility. He was so gracious with his time and even chatted with our nurse, who has been there for 30 years, about the past. She was so excited to talk to him.

While there, we asked him to offer a priesthood blessing on Kina. It was beautiful and left me grateful and in tears. I'm so thankful for him, his kindness and goodness. I know he's a man called of God and I feel honored to be able to call him a friend.

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