Tuesday, September 16, 2008

BABY KINA - what's in a name?

Amanekina Veisinia Latu

Many people have asked what Kina's name means. This is the story. . .

In the late 1980's Wayne's dad was starting a lumber company. In order to minimize his expenditures he tried to eliminate the middleman and receive the lumber directly from the ship that brought it from the islands and sell it from there. He was told by the people at the docks this would be impossible. He didn't know what to do. One day he was at the docks as the boat and shipment were coming in and he tried again to talk to the men. He knew he didn't have much time left and they had to make their decision quickly to let him take the lumber. Amazingly, after they deliberated alone they decided to let him do it. He was overjoyed. On his ride home he just thought over and over about his successful day and the business this decision would allow him to start. The name "Amanekina" came to him then - it means "hopeful dreams" or "a hope for good things". Wayne's little sister, Kina, was born a short time later and they gave her that name. Our Kina was named after her.

Veisinia is Wayne's Grandmother on his father's sides name. It's also Nia, Waynes little sisters, name. It means "Virgina" in Tongan.

I love these names. I think they are very fitting for Kina and very beautiful together.

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