Tuesday, December 16, 2008

it's a wrap!

Every Christmas season my workplace, American Indian Services, holds a Christmas Wrap! We fund raise and gather toys, clothes and other gifts throughout the year for Native American tribes in need. When everything is together we set it all up in a chapel and call in the volunteers! The volunteers wrap every single gift and representatives from the reservations come and pick them up and take them to their tribes. We hope it makes Christmas a little brighter for some Native American children who wouldn't be able to have it otherwise.

It was a fun day - we all got there around 6 am and wrapped HUNDREDS of toys. There was hot chocolate and snacks for the volunteers. Sarana and the rest of the AIS team kept everything organized and running smooth. It was a lot of good fun!

Some of the best volunteers - my FAMILY.
Loren, Tiare, Ni'i, me and Reenie

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