Monday, December 08, 2008

saturday fun!

Sat-ur-day is a spe-cial day. . . it's the day we get busy and PLAY!
For us, it was a FAMILY DAY!

Wayne got up early to go "running" (that's code for touch football. He thinks he's so tricky). He got back with his board shorts totally grass stained so I'm assuming he had fun.

First, we went to our ward Christmas party. They did a brunch this year - much more economical for a Tongan ward with a lot of healthy eaters like us! We had chicken, ham, potatoes, rice and a LOT of dessert! YUM!!

After naps, we went to the BYU vs. UC Irvine volleyball game at the Smith Fieldhouse. BYU won in 4 games!! We cheered for the star player, #17 Futi Tavanaa. He was the BOMB!!

Jessica, Matt, me, Michael, Tali, Kika, Kina, Nia, Kalo

To top off the night, Wayne took me to see Twilight!! I was hooked on the books and had been wanting to see it since it came out. Final verdict? It was okay - didn't love it, didn't hate it. . . it left much wanting. . .But I'm glad I saw it. Thanks for watching Malia, Tali!

What a great Saturday!


Corinne said...

I love Saturdays! I also love your GNO post...I had totally forgotten about your high school crush. Although, I can think of another very important crush you had in hs...I guess I won't reveal - but let's just say there was a song...

mary said...

LOL!! hello? EVERYone crushed on him, corinne. and if i remember correctly, WE made up that song and YOU contributed a LOT!! lol.

Ipo said...

With gno the night before...and a full day like guys got the energy of toddlers! Incredible!

Margaret Vance said...

OMG! I miss watching BYU Men's volleyball! Watch a couple more for me :)

Leise said...

OK?! Amen on the Twilight verdict (girl I fully spent like almost a whole page explaining most (not all) of the reasons I didn't like it!