Wednesday, April 01, 2009

grandma ann is here!

Horaaay!! We've missed my mom since she moved back to Hawaii 3 months ago. However, she planned to attend her great aunts memorial service in Chicago on Saturday and decided to make a 4 day layover in Utah. We loved having her with us! She couldn't believe how big the girls had gotten.

Her first day here we went to the Bean Museum. We made it in time for the live show - we saw a turtle, a snake and an iguana. Malia would only pet the turtle . . . the other two were a little questionable, I guess.

I always thought turtles were very slow creatures. This one wasn't. The instructor put her on the floor and she took OFF! Gives me a little more insight about why the tortoise beat the hare...

Mom and Malia

The lions/tigers/leopards are Malias favorite animals
to see because she loves to do the ROOOOAR (just like that, too. he he)

It's so nice to have you here, Mom!

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