Saturday, May 09, 2009

mata's bridal shower

I walked into this shower and thought I had read the invitation wrong. It looked like a reception! It was beautiful. Wayne's pretty cousin, Mata, is getting married next month and her family threw her the bomb shower. There was a waffle bar, tongan food AND a candy table. We played some games and ate a lot.

Mata and Kina

so pretty, huh

Tali and Malia

Sili, Mata and me

We love love love this pair. Mata and Travis are SUCH a cute couple. One of those couples you are just so happy they found each other cause they're both so awesome. I'm so excited for their wedding! We love you guys!!

1 comment:

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

how fun! i heard that it was super nicely decorated... that is to be expected from the Pope's! They're amazing party planners-well, Luisa is for sure! She's superwoman.