Thursday, June 11, 2009

my two girls

Since Kina's seizure on Sunday things have been a little different with everything. She is doing great and is totally fine, but I think the difference is in the way I think about everything. I truly treasure every moment I have with my kids. Seriously, being a mom is such a blessing to me. In these past few days I've thought a lot about Kina and Malia and the spirit they both bring to our family. They are sisters, but they are very different little girls. It's so interesting to see their separate personalities developing. Malia is very animated and Kina is very calm. Malia is kinda demanding and Kina is patient and chill. Malia is a picky eater, Kina eats eeeeverything. Truly, they are both loving and sweet. I love my little girls!


Lolohea Tonga said...

That is seriously terrifying. I saw the same thing happen to my nephew a few years back..and reading your post brought tears to my eyes at the thought of it happening to my baby! Im glad to hear that she's okay. :) I love your girls! They certainly keep me entertained! and they're so beautiful in so many ways.

A.Niu said...

My favorite moment with my kids are watching them sleep. Because there so calm and peaceful. I have 5 great blessings and hope someday that they know how much they mean to me to. thanks for reminding me about what Joy mother hood is.