Thursday, October 15, 2009


Being OCTOBER and all, we decided to go to PUMPKIN LAND! It's a farm with a corn maze, a pumpkin themed playground, animals, a light display AND pumpkins on sale for less than a dollar. MY kind of place. And best of all, it was only about 10 minutes away from our house. We went with some friends a made it a playdate. The kids had a blast and I should have worn closed toe shoes. . . things got slightly dirty. ha ha.

All the kiddies on the giant pumpkins - Elenoa, Elise, Unga, Kina, Malia, Spencer, Talai, Rachel and Tau

First Elenoa liked Kina. . . then she wanted to eat her.

In the jack-o-lantern

I think Malia's pumpkin was a little heavy

With the Fales


Love my little girls!

Happy October everyone!


Miki said...

Mary san!! I wish I could have gone to pumpkin land too!! hehe Anyway, we are so excited to go up for Tali's wedding. I can't wait to see you guys. Girls night out for sure:)

daveandsavani said...

mary your so beautiful!!

Margaret Vance said...

I totally agree with Savani... you are really beautiful Mary! I love the picture with you and your girls.