Sunday, November 01, 2009

happy halloween!

Halloween is so much more fun for me with kids! Probably just because I get to see an old holiday through brand new eyes. Malia's favorite words this month were "pumpkin", "scary?" and "halloweeeen". She got very good at spotting jack-o-lanterns on porches while driving in the car and asking for candy everywhere we went (probably cause for the first time in her life she knew she would always get some).

When people asked, "What are the girls gonna be for Halloween?" I would just kinda shrug my shoulders. My mom had sent a box of random different costumes she had bought cheap in Hawaii, so I just chose from those. It was easy and I loved not spending money. Next year, I'm gonna really try to go the hard route to be super creative and actually think of something for them to BE. Woohoo. It was a week long celebration of Halloween!

On Monday, we had a Halloween themed FHE at the Hafokas. . . Okay, now that I think about it, it was actually just a normal FHE with the kids wearing costumes. ha ha.
(Line and Spencer, Candice and Kaylene, me and Kina, Mata and Malia)

On Wednesday, we went to story-time at the library. The theme this week was Halloween and all the kids came dressed up. At the end, they gave out masks instead of coloring pages like they usually do. Malia was excited to have Tali and Inoke there with us!

On Thursday, we went to the BYU Spooktacular. This was definitely the LEAST fun thing we did this week - too crowded, too hot, and no organization. The girls went as sheep (you know, Mary's little lambs? - ha ha I thought it was cute), but it was too hot to wear them long. I don't think we'll be going back next year.

This is a little bday party we went to (Adalie is the mermaid and birthday girl). Kina was a tortoise and Malia was a hare. I crack myself up. lol

On Halloween day, Malia took a late nap so we MISSED our wards trunk-or-treat (we are STILL bummed!), but we made it to the mall for some trick-or-treating fun. We met up with Saia, Line and Spencer and Ula and Tupu. The kids were tired about half way through, but the adults still had blast.

Afterwards, we went to the Uyemas halloween party. There was lots of food and games for the kids. Aaand the best couple costume of the day award went to. . . CRYSTAL AND SPENCER! LOL! Ah, You guys crack me up!

It was so fun to see Malia actually "get it" this year. She loved dressing up, seeing other kids' costumes and saying "trick-or-treat" for candy. We can't wait till next year. Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!


Line said...

I was sad we missed the Halloween story time. Next yr!

And I love how Malia and Kina got to wear different costumes throughout the week.

And I also love how Saia couldn't even tell it was his brother in the red wig! Hahaha

Crystal said...

HAHAHA!! yay...we are the winners!! hehehehe!! too funny!!

and mean all their different costumes!! so lucky!

and for the record, i love "mary's little lambs." too cute!!

Unknown said...

Your girls are in different costumes for every Halloween event you went to! Love it. ;)

I've never been big on dressing up (for ANYTHING, let alone Halloween), so I'm hoping that once I have kids I'll appreciate this holiday a little more.

ps. YES, guys are the winners. hahaha

Jaymie Tyau said...

Hi guys!! You dressed your kids up in like 3 different costumes for Halloween.. wow. I love the tortoise and the hare one, and Mary's little lambs. So funny. Hope you're all good. =]

Corinne said...

I love the array of costumes....Mary's little lambs is my favorite! Glad you had fun.

Inouyes said...

So cute! Your daughters are beautiful!

Miki said...

Gosh, seems like you guys celebrated Halloween the whole week!! Wish we could've celebrated with you! Loved Malia and Kina's different costumes!

David & Amanda said...

I LOVE IT! this is soo cute MARY! ok can i just say we have been total SLACKERS.... we need to start showing up on saturday nights. are you guys still playing?

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

"Mary's Little Lambs"-so cute! I love it. Funny how you have to explain things like that, huh? We missed the ward trunk or treat too-Carlos and Isabel were both taking naps... and you know how it is if they don't nap... drama.