Saturday, November 07, 2009

thaaaaaaaanks tiare

Last Sunday, we went to visit my Aunty Ireen and cousin, Tiare. While the adults were talking, Malia and Kina played around us with some toys they found. Soon, she came to me and said, "Mommy LOOK!" I looked down and gasped - A DEAD FROG WAS IN MY LaP! . . . and worse - IT WAS MADE INTO A PURSE!! Ewww! Oh my goodness. I guess it was a gift someone got Tiare from the Philipines - it was so gross - like, a real frog . . . made into a PURSE! Anyway, Malia carried it around the whole time we were there and when we were getting ready to leave Tiare INSISTED we take it home. I was like, "No. No, that's alright. Pleeeease no." but as you can see, I lost the battle. Malia now takes her little dead frog purse around everywhere she goes. Wow Tiare. Thanks a LOT!!! lol


MOM said...

Hi Mary, love the posts! Love the dead frog purse! Love you! Thank you for the great kind word about our family - I am so grateful for each one of you!!!!! Love, Mom

hine.T said...

Soooo gross, and so hilarious all in one!!!

mary said...

amen hine. i was just over at tiares house the other night and she asked me if we named it yet. i was like, no, we just call it dead frog purse. haha

Tane and Angela said...

that's disgusting mary! my cousin had one similar from Florida..i should've kept our dead frogs that i found in our garage and sewed a zipper on it's mouth and hung it on a string..i could've made some money with!