Thursday, August 26, 2010

baby tali

Thanks for the cute pics Candice!!


gramma peggy said...


How precious!

Thanks for the pics, Candice.

Crystal said...

my fave one is the one of kina kissing tali!! soooo adorable!!! :) ...tear...

Miki said...

We don't have internet but as soon as i was able to get access i went straight to your blog! Yes... I'm a LIVING LATU camper. Love her name and Love you guys! You're my idol mary and such a great mommy. Thank u and wayne for your examples to joe and I! We love you guys. Soooo excited for our #3 to come too. Hope my labor and delivery is as great as yours was!

Line said...

Awww, she's so precious. She's seriously your twin, Mary. Love it!

A.Niu said...

Congrats Miss. Mary. I love the Name. Love names with a story:) TOO CUTE.

Unknown said...

Looks like her sisters. So precious! =)