Monday, November 01, 2010

happy halloween!

For Halloween, my sister-in-law, Kina, took Malia and Kina to pick out costumes.  Little Kina, of course, went straight for the pink princess dress.  Malia choose a red devil costume and said she wanted to be "a dragon".  Big Kina thought she might regret her decision later so she laid out all the princess dresses and hid the dragon costume among them and told Malia to pick again.  Again, she picked the dragon costume.  After several other attempts to have Malia decide on a different costume Kina was finally sure that Malia was happy.  Sooo, Kina was a princess and Malia was a dragon (I know it looks like a red devil, but it is a DRAGON) and they both LOVED it.  Seriously, EVERY morning this week both girls brought their costumes for me to put on.  Kina actually wore hers dress so much that it was completely stained and shredded before Halloween even came - at least she enjoyed it, right?  haha  Thank you so much Kina! You've made such a special memory for them.
We celebrated Halloween with a few different events.  It was a fun filled week!

On WEDNESDAY, we went to Tina's house for Halloween crafts and lunch.
Baby Tali slept through the party.
Getting twelve kids in costumes together in one picture frame was no easy task. . . but worth the effort. So cute!


On FRIDAY, we had a playdate at my house with Halloween games and easy crafts.

We had so much fun!  Line and I kinda tagged teamed the whole time so the kids stayed busy and happy.  Can't wait to do it again! (Vai, Rachel, Elise, Unga, Tau, Talai, Elenoa, Spencer and Malia)


On SATURDAY, we went to our ward's Trunk-or-Treat.  The kids had a blast.
Our dragon with Hiccup and Astrid (aka Unga and Rachel Fale) from "How to Train Your Dragon".
Our family - we decided that next year Wayne and I will dress up too. . . for the kids, of course. haha
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!


lilika'imoana said...

i love all the kiddie costumes! and so glad you and wayne didn't dress up... because that justifies for that fact that we didn't either! haha. love all the halloween activities going on, such a great idea for the babies. i wish someone thought of that for us when we were growing up! LOL you guys are too much fun!

Ku'uipo Photography said...

Wow, How Lucky!that was a very long Halloween for the girls..I see why it's only once a year.

Leki and I were talking about since you have 3 girls you guys could of dressed up as "Keeping up with the Kardashians" with you as the Mom and Wayne as Bruce...humm just a thought for next year..haha

Vika said...

LOL at Candice's comment! What a great idea! What a fun week for you guys. The girls look so cute on their costumes!

Kam said...

Haha, I love their costumes! I love how you had those Halloween activities, I really do! And man, look at all of those kids, I bet it must have been fun for them all. I need to take notes on this, for real haha!

sarana said...

the pic with all 12 kids in it made me laugh as i saw hands around the top 3 kids. i can only imagine how hard it was but at the same time so comical!
you guys have such great fun!

mary said...

I love the idea Candice!! haha AND THANKYOU for our family picture:)

Le'o Hafoka said...

Mar, i love all the pics! The girls are getting so big I can't believe it!Looks like you guys had a blast! love you all!!!

Crystal said...

halloween is so much fun with so many things to do! i love that its not just a one day event and that you can get good use of the costumes! :)

excited to see what you and wayne will be next year!!

Margaret Vance said...

How fun! Makes me wish I was a stay-at-home mom again to enjoy all the playdate parties. And... what a CUTE dragon!

p.s. I LOVE all your cell phone pictures. I do the same thing... so I invested in a phone with a good camera because of that!

Johnson Family said...

I keep hearing about your amazing Halloween activities. I definitely need to hit you up next year for some ideas!!! I wish I was as inventive as you =)

gramma peggy said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful Hallowe'en pics.

As always, your girls are adorable!

Can't wait to see you all next week.

