Wednesday, November 24, 2010

make new friends and keep the old

one is silver and the other gold.
(and I mean PURE gold!! lol)

While in Hawaii, we've got to catch up with my friends here.  I've loved it!  I remember reading a description of friendship that I liked on one of the blogs I stalk (okay, it was Taualai Fonoti's lol).  When describing the relationship of a long-time friend that he saw very rarely, he said, "I measure friendships by the ease and ability to fall into a natural social rhythm already established."  I love that.  I love being able to pick up where we're at and not where we left off . . . which means we don't have to talk about high school or college to have something to talk about.  Many of my girlfriends have children the same ages as my kids and it has been so wonderful seeing them in the roles of mothers!  It's so fun to go through the different stages of life together as friends.  I'm so grateful for my GIRLS! ( . . . and for their kids who have become friends for my kids too! haha)

A couple days ago, Sarah brought her sons, Manasseh and Isaac, to swim in our little pool.  They swam, ate, and then swam again.
(Leise, Hazel, Leimana, me and Harm)
Last Friday, Leimana held a little GNO at her house.
We had spring rolls and pizza.  It was so fun to talk
and catch up with everyone.
Last week, Line was here and threw a Thanksgiving playdate for the kiddies.
They played some games, decorated cookies and made paper turkeys.

We borrowed this red wagon from a friend and have used it every single day.
Hazels daughter, Ame, lives only one street over and loves it too.
Sarah with Nase, Hazel with Ame, me with Tali and Kina, Keaka with Kaylee, Kahler and Keana, Harmony with Ahonui and Nahe
I'm grateful for wonderful friends!

*And speaking of making NEW friends - The other night I ran into the beautiful Lilika Funaki (she's married to my neighbor Inoke) while on a walk with my mom.  We talked and laughed a little and then hugged to say goodbye.  When we were walking away my mom asked, "Now how do you know her?  Did she used to dance with you?" "No", I said.  "Do you know her from Utah?" "No." "Did you guys meet at BYUH?" "No. . . I know her from blogging!" LOL!  I love making new friends through blogging!  People (me included) share so much more on a blog than they normally would at a first meeting.  Maybe that's why we feel like we already KNOW each other even though we've only talked face to face twice. hahaha Love you girl!


Line said...

"Sarah with ISAAC" lol. ;) This is such a cute post mary! I love the pic of you guys with your kids... And I LOVE the pic of my nephew with your girls eating ice cream. Haha, too cute!

Crystal said...

good to see that the play dates carry on in hawaii too!

sarana said...

fun! hazel looks great and ame is so grown now! hurry and come back to enjoy the winter weather. lol....

Hazel said...

My favorite moment is being introduced to one of your 'Blog' friends and you saying "You don't know her, she doesn't have a blog."
Then finding out you two had not even ever met before was hilarious.

Thank you internet/blogging world for bringing so many people together.

P.S. I am not starting a blog.I am just going to work on getting my photos on others. :)

lilika'imoana said...

MAAAARY! i love the pics with you, your friends and all your kiddies together, so precious! amen to great friends! aaaaand i feel so honored to be mentioned on your blog HAHA! yeah it usually sounds creepy to say i just randomly meet pple off the internet, so can we just say that we DID know each other thru mutual friends? LOL nah but seriously it was such a pleasure meeting you and your baby girls! TWICE now huh? and still no blog picture! HAHA good thing the alisa's and funaki's are neighbors, we are bound to see each other again :) HAPPY (late) thanksgiving ALISA/LATU family!

Ashleigh said...

Yay for new friends! I'm glad I got to meet you!

Soakai Fam said...

Love the post Mare. Please come back soon! And see if Wayne can take off, though I'm sure that will be hard.