Tuesday, November 09, 2010

tali's baby blessing

Some things I'll remember about Tail's blessing day -
  • Tali looked like a little angel dressed in her little white blessing dress.
  • I prepared the whole morning (feeding, changing etc.) to ensure a quiet and calm baby during her blessing.
  • The moment the prayer began, Tali started to cry. . . no, SCREAM . . . and the second they said "Amen" the crying ceased.  Of course, right?  Sheesh! haha (later that day Malia kept asking me "who made baby Tali cry?")
  • Wayne's dad, Limhi, offered the blessing. It was beautiful.
  • Inoke and Tali's baby, Amalani, was also blessed this day, right before baby Tali.
  • Afterward, we had a small family eating at Aunty Ireens' house to celebrate.  Thank you Hafoka/Kinikini family and Vai and Aunty Isa for providing the yummy food!
  • Dad, Gramma Peggy and Uncle Pupi came into town for the blessings.  It was so nice to have them here.
It was a wonderful day for our family.  I'm so grateful for the power of the priesthood that's used to give these beautiful babies names and blessings.  I'm also grateful for the love and support of incredible family and friends.  We love you all so much!

Baby Tali and Daddy before church.

Immediately after the blessing (and all the crying), she fell fast asleep and stayed that way for the next few hours. 

Four generations - Gramma Peggy, Tali and Amalani, me and Tali, and Mom

Latu/Alisa/Hafoka family

** Best story of the day - My cousin, Reenie was helping in the kitchen at the eating when she heard some noise outside in the front yard.  She opened the door and saw Malia clinging onto a tree branch about five feet off the ground.  There was an older Tongan woman walking on the street and Malia was pleading/calling out to her. "Auntieeee. Auntieeeeee. Please help me down, Auntie. Please? Please help me down."  LOL  Reenie said the lady was kinda looking back over her shoulder like, "Is she talking to me?" haha Of course, Reenie helped Malia down off the tree and she is now Malia's FAVORITE! haha


RazakFamily said...

She's just beautiful!
What a fun day for your family ...

Unknown said...

Nothing beats family+the gospel. What a special day!! =)

Line said...

LOL Malia is so smart to catch on that a random Tongan lady is prob related to her. Haha!

Baby tali looks so precious in her blessing dress, and I love the family pix, especially the generational pic! :)

mary said...

i forgot to do a shout out to LIZETTE POPE for the awesome pics. Thanks sis!

lilika'imoana said...

so precious, two blessings in one day. i love this pic with your baby's face all warm and content on your shoulder, tooooo cute!

Lizette Pope said...

Thanks Mary! I had so much fun! and It was awesome to be a part of both Baby Blessings! Love you and your family Mary!

Crystal said...

awwwww....i didnt know you guys did your baby blessings. isnt it so special that they could share that day with each other??? love the generations pic!