Sunday, July 10, 2011

where in the world is Falakika Latu?

(I had to write her full name in there to have as many syllables as "Carmen Sandiego" haha)

Wayne's youngest sister, Kika, has become quite the adventurer.  She is a Broadcast Journalism major at BYU and has had a busy and exciting summer. First she went to Austin for an internship at a local news station and she's now in Vienna, Austria on a study abroad program.  I'm so happy for all the awesome experiences she's having and I'm so excited to see what is NEXT on her plate.  Mark my words - she's going to do big things! haha You go girl!

Kika in Austin, TX

Kika in Vienna, Austria


Line said...

wow, go kika! she looks so professional in that news cast pic. :) i can't believe she used to be one of my young women! lol

Crystal said...

wow, im so happy for her!! she looks soo good and totally matches that!!