Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Alisa Family Calendar

Since I was little my family has made calendars every year for our extended family as Christmas gifts. All us kids were assigned a couple months which we would draw a picture for and my dad would draw a picture for the cover. It was a fun tradition and an easy solution for family presents. Over the past several years this family tradition has turned into a yearly project for Tali (she's the one that apparently took all the good art genes from my parents). Last year, she made a "movie themed" calendar and painted scenes from our favorite family movies and put in photos of our faces in place of the characters'. This year she made a "fine art" theme. Here are some of the finished products. Do you recognize any of these famous works of art?

This last one is my favorite. My little angel Kina.
Great job Tali!

  1. Campbell's Soup Can Andy Warhol
  2. Girl with a Pear Earring Johannes Vermeer
  3. American Gothic Grant Wood
  4. The Scream Edvard Munch
  5. Triple Self-Portrait Norman Rockwell
  6. The Creation of Adam Michelangelo
  7. Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird Frida Kahlo
  8. Turquoise Marilyn Andy Warhol
  9. Vitruvian Man Leonardo da Vinci
  10. Portrait of Jacqueline Roque with Flowers Pablo Picasso
  11. Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci
  12. Little Angels (detail of Sistine Madonna) Raphael Sanzio


Margaret Vance said...

wow!!!! Dang Tali is good! I ESPECIALLY LOOOOOOVE the last picture. That painting always strikes chord with me cause that's how i pictured nia waiting to come to our family (before i was even considering having any kids). I LOVE that she's put Kina in that picture. I'll have to ask her to do it with Nia's face :).

Line said...

Cool pix! Tali is so talented.

RazakFamily said...

That is so cool!!!

sarana said...

that's amazing work!

BETS & VETS said...

That is so cute and very creative -luv it!

harmony said...

heeeey, i remember those calendars! they always cracked me up...i learned so many stories of ur fam from the special calendars. i'll always remember the one of joseph raking leaves in his tux before prom. oh yeah - tell tal i LOVE her unibrow. lol! miss u guys!

Tyler and Jessica Kozlowski said...

yay you updated!!! very cute pictures, good idea! hope you guys are doing good!

alexis said...

Those pictures are great! That is such a good idea for family presents.

daveandsavani said...

oh my gosh i love the pictures!!! can i tell you all the ones that i especially love- i love the one of your dad (so creative), i love mona lisa aka. malia, and the last one is a perfect portrayal of kina. great work!!!

hine.T said...

Wayyyy COOL! I wouldn't expect anything LESS from the all-artsy-talented Alisa's!

ma'elePHOTO said...

GREAT job Tali... what AWESOME talent! I am SO impressed!!!

Vika said...

This is such amazing work! Tali is suuper talented!!!

Inouyes said...

So creative Tali you hit it!

Leise said...

Oka, luv it! Eh, Jeeeeaaaalousss!!! (um, notice the capital J, and the letters that I would fully drag in a sing-song voice if I were saying it right to you)