Monday, October 24, 2011


I think I've mentioned before how much I dislike carving pumpkins.  It was never part of our family holiday traditions growing up so when I finally carved my first pumpkin as an adult I was totally disgusted by the goo inside and the mess it makes everywhere.  HOWEVER, I have a little four-year-old who was DYING to "cut her pumpkin" (so much so that the moment she came home from the pumpkin farm with her daddy she ran straight to the kitchen and grabbed one of my huge knives to start the process . . . she ended up with a small cut on her finger and a resolve to (impatiently) wait till nighttime when we could all do it together).  So, of course I swallowed my pride and we carved pumpkins!  Honestly, it wasn't that bad. . . it was actually kinda fun - especially cause Malia did all the dirty work.  Happy October everyone!
Kina and Daddy
Of course, Tali tried to eat her pumpkin
Some hard at work and some hardly working
Ah. I crack myself up. 
I hope it was everything she dreamed it would be. . . I think it was.

1 comment:

mom said...

Maybe you just had the same feelings about it...yuck... because I distinctly remember pumpkins rotting on our doorstep - here in Hawaii they get moldy....and fast..... So sometimes we would have to throw them away too soon. I loved Tali's picture... tasting something is always an option!