Sunday, October 16, 2011

tonsils out

I remember once a couple years ago while we were on a vacation, our little family all slept together in the same room.  I woke up in the middle of the night because of a loud noise - somebody snoring.  I nudged Wayne so he'd roll over and be quiet.  He immediately woke up. . . but to my surprise the snoring continued.  And that's when I realized how loud Kina snored. 

Kina has breathed and snored loudly for as long as I can remember.  She snores really loud and every now and then her breathing pattern stops or changes, kinda like sleep apnea.  After a tip from my Aunt this summer (thanks Aunt Judy!) I went to have her tonsils checked out.  The doctor couldn't believe how big they were and recommended we take them out.  So, on Thursday, Kina and I went to the Utah Valley Hospital at 7 AM to have a tonsillectomy.  She was such a trooper!

I have to give a big gold star to the hospital.  They really made it as nice an experience as possible for Kina. While we were waiting, a girl brought over some pages for her to color and then helped her make a beaded bracelet (pictured above).  They gave her stickers, cool hospital pajamas and even had a princess crown waiting for her on her bed.  It was great.  We had been talking as a family about Kina going to the hospital for a while, so I felt she was somewhat emotionally prepared.  Also, her bear "Lisa" (who Grammy bought for her as a hospital buddy when she was here) and her blankie from home helped her feel happy and calm.  

While, Kina was comfortable and relaxed, I was actually very anxious and nervous.  I don't know, I just hate the need for anesthesia - so many things can go wrong.  I  prayed for Kina that she would be alright and as comfortable as possible and for me that I could keep it together and know how to comfort her.  Very quickly, her surgery was over.  She did great.   

These past couple days, she's been recovering beautifully.  You know, it's little experiences like this that just remind me how precious my children are to me.  I care about them and their welfare so much.  Their little bodies and spirits are so special and so important.  I feel so so blessed that I am their mother.  I love my Kina - she is such a trooper!

**Something I want to remember - While we were waiting for Kina to be taken to the surgery room, she asked where Malia was.  I called Wayne and asked him to put Malia on the phone to talk with Kina. This was their conversation.

Malia: Kina?
Kina: Hi Lia.
Malia: Kina, are you at the hospital? You have to be brave, okay? You need to be brave.  
Kina: Okay.
Malia: The doctor is going to cut your mouth and it's going to hurt a little bit, but you just be brave, okay? You be brave and when you get home you can sleep on my bed with me. Be brave.
Kina: Okay Lia.

It was on speaker phone and Wayne and I were giggling at how many times Malia said the word "brave".  Honestly, I 'm really not one to get emotional over small, routine surgeries like this, but hearing my four-year-old trying to encourage and comfort my three-year-old at a "scary" time like this just got to me . . . and that's when I started to cry.


Andrea said...

What sweet older sister. You are definitely a good example to your girls and it shows in that conversation. Glad everything went well for Kina.

lilika'imoana said...

i love the princess crown :) she really is a trooper! love this post-- i am totally getting emotional right now just reading it. lol. your girls are so precious! this makes me really miss my sisters too...

Vic and Ashley said...

Oh my sweetness... that is a precious little post. I loved it. I want my Fia to have lots of sisters.

gramma peggy said...

I'm so relieved that her surgery is over, and that she's Okay!
She really is a trooper!

Your girls are so precious with each other.

They remind me of you and Tali when you were little.

And you are such a good mom, Mary!

You remind me of your mom.



mom said...

What a precious post Mary. You are such an awesome mom... I love it. Malia and Kina have a very special bond... all your girls do - they are growing up as best friends. How wonderful is that!! Thanks for sharing the conversation.... It is beautiful. I love you all so much!!! Love, Mom

Line said...

aww, kina is such a trooper! and your girls' sibling bond is so precious. hope she is recovering well. we love you guys!

Margaret Vance said...

Hi Mary! I'm just playing blog-catch-up here... Wesley had a tonsillectomy too about a year ago and just like Kina, he would snore really loud (ever since he was born). And his tonsils were HUGE as well and he did have mild sleep apnea which we believe was totally why he would throw mean & loud fits. That all changed dramatically after the surgery and I totally understand what you mean about wanting the best for the welfare of our children. Anyway... this is a long-winded comment, but had to share :) XOXO

Le'o Hafoka said...

what a sweet experience!!! I'm getting emotional just reading it...I love your little girls, mar! You're such an awesome mom. Thanks for sharing such a special moment!!xoxo