wal-low verb /walo/
- to revel
- to become or remain helpless <
wallow in their ignorance> - to indulge oneself immoderately <wallowing is self pity>
- to immerse yourself into the chaotic clutter which surrounds you and blatantly ignore any and all urges to clean (ie. what Mary sometimes does when her house is beyond-cleaning messy)
Okay, yes, I kinda made up that last one by myself. . . but that's what I call it! Wallowing. Okay, you know those days when you wake up totally motivated and energized to get your house clean and get things done? You quickly brush your teeth and put real clothes on (ie not sweats/pajama pants) and get your kids ready for a day full of chores, errands and multitasking energy? I know those days too - and I love them! - but these past few days haven't quite been those. This is the OPPOSITE of wallowing.
No, since the end of last week I was wallowing. I'd get up, look around at the dirty laundry pile downstairs, the clean unfolded laundry pile upstairs (taking up a full couch mind you), the dirty dishes, the sticky juice-dried floor, the messy kids rooms, the it's-so-bad-it's-embarrassing master bedroom, the un-vacuumed floor and the filthy bathrooms and just accepted it as the way it was going to be for the day. I though about the energy that would be required to clean it all, get tired just thinking about it and so do nothing. Honestly, I thought about hiring a cleaning service, but it was at a point where I'd have to clean up before they arrived. haha Those days I felt very unproductive and just really gross. I HATE the feeling when my house is in that state, but it's like, I just give up and wallow in the terribleness of it all.
Well, the awesome news is (and the reason I'm blogging now and not yesterday or the day before) that I am wallowing no more! Mid-week I finally had enough and felt totally motivated and energized to take on the challenge. I was a woman with a mission! I washed and folded like, a gazillion loads and now have not one dirty item in the house. My kitchen is now spotless as are all the rooms. My room (the master bedroom) is now clean, organized and peaceful. Plus, I went grocery shopping and made delicious meals for my family for two nights in a row. Needless to say, I feel grrrrreeeeat! I love this feeling! I love a clean house! I'm happy, feeling fresh, motivated and excited for tomorrow - it's amazing how a clean house can make you feel like that! I. am. at. PEACE!! I love it, I know Wayne loves it, and I know the kids love it. I'm totally energized to keep it like this for as looong as possible. When it comes to cleaning it's so much easier to prevent than repent. So, here's to my clean house!
Wallowing no more.
Peace OUT.
mary! you've discovered freedom!
love ya!
u go girl! I always think 'man if someone could watch the kids I could get so much done/cleaned' but then someone does watch them and I think 'nah I'd rather just relax' LOL I'm hoping tomorrow your energy will find me :)
*BTW, miss you guys!
lol love this post mary! go you! i wish i had my own house to leave messy and untouched as i please. lol!
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