Friday, August 29, 2008

BABY KINA - Surgery Day

When I was a junior in high school I dislocated my shoulder and had surgery to repair it. Wayne's first surgery was on his rotator cuff and took place AFTER we were married. Our little baby Kina had her first surgery yesterday. She is one week old and she did super!! (This is a pic of the nurses wheeling her down to the OR)

During the surgery, the doctors closed the opening in her abdomen. Everything went smoothly - They said the opening was small enough they didn't have to use a patch or graft skin from another place and her bowels looked healthy. She will be on a ventilator for a few days just to make sure she continues to breathe with all the pain medication she is taking and after that it will just be the waiting game until she can eat and digest a little food.

Before she went into surgery, the nurse came and told me I could HOLD her. I was so excited! She put her into my arms and I was completely overcome with emotion. I was shocked at how light and tiny she was. She seriously weighs nothing! It was a beautiful moment that I will remember always - holding my baby for the first time. It was DEFINITELY the highlight of my day!(You'll notice the school spirit signs hanging on her crib - it's the nurses. They get a kick out of harassing Wayne).


Brittany said...

i am soooo glad that you have a blog! yay!! thanks for your sweet message, and we love you guys! there was the sweetest article in the paper about you guys, and about how happy and positive Wayne always is, then that night my dad was telling us how, at practice, all the white guys were on one side, all the black guys were on the other side, and wayne was joking around in the middle like he didn't know which way he was supposed to go!! my dad and family just love and respect you so much! from what i've heard, your little one is doing a little better- you are in our thoughts! talk to you soon-

ma'elePHOTO said...

I am so happy that everything has gone well. We continue to pray for your sweet Kina! Oh, and we LOVE the Ute's / Cougar's signs (lol!) I'm sure they get a kick out of it!!!

harmony said...

awww mare, thanks for all the updates. I seriously almost cried wen I saw the pic of u holding her for the 1st time. u guys are so strong and such wonderful examples 2 the rest of us. we love & miss y'all!

Line said...

Well, if we're gonna go there... Then GO BYU! Haha, jk. I'm so glad baby Kina's surgery went well! I didn't even think of how you haven't gotten to hold her all this time since she was born. That must've been so hard, but it probably made the moment you DID hold her that much more precious.

BETS & VETS said...

Glad everything went well for baby Kina!

The Maire Family said...

Congratulations Mary and Wayne! I know it's a little late in coming. I am so glad that everything is working out so well. What a blessing! Both of your little girls are beautiful! (Like their Mommy ;))

Erin said...

There has been so much going on in the Latu family lately, and we love that we get to be connected through your blog! It is so fun to see that everything has been going well for your family. We are glad that we get to see the pictures of you guys and especially your beautiful baby Kina! Congratulations, and we do hope that if you ever come out to Florida that you will stay with us in our guest bedrooms:)

Unknown said...

Love the BYU and U signs. That is hilarious. She is so BEAUTIFUL. I am happy to see the surgery is going well and that you finally got to hold her. You guys are so awesome and so strong. We read the article about Wayne and agree that both of you are amazing. We'll keep her in our prayers.

Vika said...

I can't imagine not holding your baby for that long, but you guys are so strong. Thanks for letting us see your baby. She is beautiful!!!

Corinne said...

I'm so glad to hear she is doing well. You are on the ball with the updates - I love it. I can't believe that was the first time you got to hold her...that is such a sweet picture.

go cougs.
we couldn't watch the game last week, but we listened to it...I heard a lot of LATU going on!!