Wednesday, September 10, 2008

happy birthday LEO!!

Kina, me, Melba, Kalo, Wayne, Kika, Leonne and Fui celebrating Leo's B-day at Red Robin's.

Mafileo Latu is seriously one of the most loving, caring, kind, and generous people I know. She ALWAYS puts others first and will bend over backwards for her friends and family. She is absolutely beautiful inside and out. She is one of those people that truly shines because of her goodness and spirituality. Her testimony of the gospel is apparent in everything she does - she doesn't just talk the talk, but she walks the walk. She is strong independent woman with many talents. She can sing, play instruments, dance, and conduct business. . .noni business. :) Most of all, though, she knows how to make people feel loved. I love her and am happy she's my sister.


ma'elePHOTO said...

Leo... You are AWESOME!!! We love you and hope you had a wonderful day! We love celebrating at RR too!!

You guys are too FUN!!! Makes me miss my siblings!

Vika said...

happy birthday leo...the post is true!!!