Monday, December 01, 2008

a little privacy please

We're going private!! It's a big move, but we knew we had to make it someday. Since I sometimes get down to the nitty gritty (or "neety greety" as Nacho Libre says) of our family, we think it would be best if it's people we know who can read it.

If you are a family member, a friend, an old classmate, a ward member, an acquaintance, a friend of a friend, or a friend of an acquaintance or. . .well you get the picture. . . if you KNOW us, PLEASE leave your email on my comments so I can send you an invite. We LOVE people visiting, we just don't want any of those wierdo scary people who you see on tv (you know who I mean). We will go private on January 1. Thanks!!

Oh, and if you're private and I haven't been invited yet (hint hint Jaici) my email is lol.


Kassie said...

Hello hello.. Happy Holidays.
Definitely invite us to your blog..

RazakFamily said...

we DEFINITELY want to be included :)

Tane and Angela said...

hey mary! i hope i'm a friend=) -i guess i'll know if i can visit your PRIVATE blog..geez bloggers these days..=)

Brittany said...

i am TOTALLY a weirdo scary person. but i do know you. hehehe.

Lavi said...

me me me lavi_mounga(at)hotmail(dot)com you will then be moved to the section called "blogspotter private eyes" wooo whoooo

Karla said...

Mary... I wanna be on "the list"

:) Karla

Karla said...

I wanna be on "the list"...

:) Karla

Fauatea's said...

Hey Mary...hope everything is going well. You're little one is getting so big. I can't believe it's December already and Noah will turn 1 in February. Here is our

deleted said...

Hi Mary, this is Andrea (my family moved to Hawaii Sr year). I'd love an invite.

deleted said...

Hi Mary, this is Andrea (my family moved to Hawaii Sr year). I'd love an invite.

Tina said...

count me in!

Line said...

Please add us so my husband can continue stalking your blog, lol.

hine.T said... - MAHALO!

Vika said...

dont forget malia's future inlaws :)

Ipo said...

I will totally understand if you don't invite me to read your blog. Afterall, you did just list the definition of me in your post, "wierdo scary people."

Tyler and Jessica Kozlowski said...

Hey girl! Ours is talk to you soon!

harmony said...

hey girl...i feel ya. i read the tyau's blog and the KSL story and totally understand. remember how i had that kookoo stranger "michelle kalama" chick dat was stalkin & hatin on my blog? i'm thinkin about going private too. anyway, u know my email - so don't forget to invite me! love yous.

Jaymie Tyau said...

invite pleeeeeaaaase..

Lolohea Tonga said...

i wanna be added!

i guess this is also a good way to find out who reads your blog and doesn't leave comments huh? lol

Karlee and Micah said...

We'd love an invite...

Aaron and Melanie Gordon said...

Please invite us -

daveandsavani said...

dont forget us!! I will be sure to leave nice comments. hehe

daveandsavani said...

dont forget us. I'll leave good comments =)

Erin said...

Yep, we love to keep up with your family- count us in!

(If you don't copy/paste the emails, note the 2 "p"'s in erin'address- it is easy to miss)

sarana said...

can i continue to stock your blog?........LOL

Max & McKinzi Hall said...

Hey Mary, we'd love to stay in touch with you guys! My e-mail address is Our blog is private and I think I sent you an invite, but if not then let me know!

Leise said...

I'm a sidebuster-4-lifer so invite me so I can sidebust!

A.Niu said...

Hey Im kind of freaking out right about now. OMGOSH, about Harm's comment about that girl, Because she was the same girl that was going on the internet talking about Chantell B. What is wrong with people? Anyways Mary please email me I enjoy reading you blog and its a form of communication between all of us. I think I might be doing the same!!!

The Maire Family said...

Yes please invite me. :)
Your playdate looked like so much fun! One day I'm gonna make it up to there and actually visit friends.

jill langston kaufusi said...

I'll take one invite. Vili will be so sad if he can't follow your blog.

Taylor Tribe said...

I am a friend of a friend of a friend...aka blog stalker!! Would love to be invited to your blog...

Taylor Tribe said...

Hey Mary,
I am here in Laie..& am staying with the Millers, Jon & Casssandra Miller...Thought I saw your dad next door to them. Tell me if I'm wrong and if I'm wrong tell me to stop snooping. Can't help it, am in the islands and am LOVING it. The weather is AWESOME. No need put on lotion every now and then like we do in Utah. Ok, too much info already.Was nice to see your on PCC/BYUH reunion...I went to school with Maggie's oldest sister Vika. Take care

Kimberly said...

mary, kim and elias here...looks like u and u're family r doing good, u're girls r so cute. invite me please! love u..

Mary and Ryan said...

KEaka said...

Hey Mary long time no talk hope all is well. Smart move on your part on going private. Miss you give the girls kisses from Aunty Keaka my email is Take care girl

ma'elePHOTO said...

Daaaanng... 35 commentors wanna be on your 'private' list. Fine, you win! You're the most popular! (lol!) We wanna make it 36!


Love you guys!

alexis said...

Please invite us! I want to keep up with you guys, since we never see you (even though you only live like a block away)!

Maegan and Brian said...

I know I've only met you Mary once, but I do know Wayne and his family from a while ago.... It's Maegan Draper Martin. Hope I can be on the list

jennsekona said...

i want to be on the list too- i love your blogs! jenn sekona-