Friday, December 12, 2008

michael got his mission call!!!

Michael will be serving in the PUERTO RICO, San Juan West Mission. He reports to the Provo MTC January 14 to learn how to preach the gospel in SPANISH. I'm so excited for him, but I'm going to miss him SOOO much!
Congratulations! Love you, Mikey!


Line said...

Congratulations Michael!

Mary, now he can talk Spanish with you and Wayne. :)

daveandsavani said...

yeah!! i so happy for him!! he's going to be a fabulous missionary- not to mention all the girls are going to have googly-eyes for him. lol. congradulations!!

hine.T said...

Congratulations Michael & Alisa's!!! How exciting for everyone!

BETS & VETS said...

How fun, congrats to your lil bro.!

deleted said...

Congrats! My bro-in law went there he loved it!!!

Leise said...

Yaaaayyyy!!! (jumps high for the best toe touches everrrr) Congratulations!

Vika said...

congratulations michael...that's exciting!