Thursday, December 04, 2008

white elephant at FHE

On Monday we had our FHE at the Hafoka's beautiful home. Because we are all poor and sad we are only getting coal this year for Christmas, we decided last minute to make it a white elephant party so we could all get a free gift. Because we are always hungry and in short supply of good food, we also decided to make it a potluck. Horaay! FHE. . .plus, PRESENTS. . . plus, FOOD!. . .yeah, it was a fun night!!

Wayne and I shared the lesson on gratitude. As part of it, we had everyone write a gratitude note to everyone else and everyone went home with a gratitude box full of the little notes. It was a fun activity and was nice to have an excuse to express my gratitude to such awesome people.
After the lesson, we got to dig into the potluck. I enjoyed Lines Korean chicken, Vika's curry, Tema's sweet bread and Savani's panipopo. YUUM!!!!

Lastly, we did the white elephant exchange.

The Hola's brought coupon-shopped AWESOME products and won a pretty purse for Tevita and the Hafoka's got a little romance starter with some plastic rose petals (the guys were jealous)

The clever Aupiu's beat the system and left with the coveted laundry detergent.

. . .and the Filimoeatu's hit it big with the gift they've ALWAYS wanted!
Yup, that's right, a signed picture of Wayne. Vika was SOO excited and EVERYONE was fighting over it. lol. . . uh. . right guys?

good times. good times.


Unknown said...

Way to keep it real during the tough economic times! LOL! We may be stealing your FHE ideas, thanks!

Line said...

I don't know why I tried to steal the laundry detergent... I should've been trying to steal Vika's present! Hahaha... Thanks for the post. It really was a fun night!

jennsekona said...

i love your fhe posts- i may need to hit wayne up for a autographed pic for sipa to have under the tree too! Lol!

Brittany said...

hey, yeah, I'm pregnant! i wrote about it once waaaay back, and then i haven't really written anything about it since! i should write more about it but so far it's been kinda yucky- and no one wants to hear about that!! talk to you soon.

Leise said...

LOL @ da autographed picture of Wayne! Looove it!

Vika said...

yes, everyone was jealous... I am just glad that bubba was strong enough to fight those that wanted to take away my gift. What a fun night!

Ipo said...

Creativity REIGNS SUPREME in the Latu home!!

ma'elePHOTO said...

The signed picture of Wayne is AWESOME. I'm rollin', thinking I should pull out my old glamour shots from the 90's and SIGN IT.....that's MY next white elephant gift idea! HAHAHAHAHhahahahA!

A.Niu said...

Can I get a picture too?:) Your so good Mary. Our FHE with our kids last 10 min. cause they can't sit still or they get bord, Cause my husband sometimes get's intouch with his inner tongan old man.HAHAHA.