Saturday, April 18, 2009

read to me please

Soo, sometimes Wayne and I lie in bed and talk about what Malia and Kina are going to be when they grow up. Wayne wants them to ballroom dance and run track. I want them to play volleyball and dance hula. We both agree that they will play piano. We often wonder if they'll become great doctors or good teachers or professional ballroom dancers. . . he he. I guess more than anything I want them to know they can do and be anything they want. . . and I want them to love what they do.

Tonight I discovered one occupation option for Malia. I was cracking up watching her show off her book to nobody so I grabbed my camera to secretly film it (unfortunately, she quickly stops anything she's doing as soon as she sees a camera on) and tell Wayne what she was doing. Anyways, she's obviously been taking notes at storytime. I think she has the whole read and show down.

Three things - Why does my voice sound like a 50 year old man who just woke up? That is Wayne's music we're listening to. and I wonder how much the library pays for their storytellers?


Crystal said...

Hahahaha!! That is sooooo cute!

...and your voice doesn't sound like a 50 year old man!!

Line said...

Lol, cute! I think I'll just bring Spencer to your place for story time, rather than going to the library.

sarana said...


alexis said...

awww...she's so funny! and wayne's music sounds totally normal to me! lol

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

Yeah, good music, Wayne... and u didn't sound like yourself in this video-but I wouldn't go as far to say that it's a 50yr old man's voice. :) She's so cute! Such a great big sister, I bet!

Ashleigh said...

awww she's cute!

Sibbett_Ohana said...

crack up! so cute!!don't u love seeing them GROW? Love it and fear it..;(

Angeles said...

lol. that is too cute. i love your girls and i don't even know them. lol. you are so funny. i love how you always forewarn about your videos. hahaha. i imagine storytellers probably have three other jobs. lol.

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

She is hired! lol.......looks like you guys have it made!!!

Hey mom was asking me if you could add her???


Katina Angola said...

Arent kids cute?!?! Benji reads to Sammy and puts the book on my bellly thinking Sammy can see the pictures

Lolohea Tonga said...

can she come read to my son?! I'll pay her..she's got it down! hahaha

That's so adorable! I love your girls..they have s much personality.

Ipo said...

I look away for a couple of seconds and there you go, filling up your blog with tons of new posts....Jeeezzz!

Malia is a cutie and I'm sure she is better by now, but having sick kids is no fun for parents and miserable for the poor little ones.

Looks like you guys had a great Easter and fun stuff going on all over the place!!

There, now stop doing that to post per day would be easy enough for me to keep up with. Thank you very much! ha,ha!

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

Hahahaha...okay so I gave the wrong address for my momma...

can you add this address?


Leise said...

LMMO! Too funny, this little girl! Oh, and I agree with Crystal- you don't sound like a 50 year old man! You sound like Mrs. Semones! :D Hm, and the music is... wow, it's happenin!

BETS & VETS said...

luv it , and I luv Leise's comment but Mrs. Semones thats harsh! I swear that teacher had an adams apple!