Friday, April 17, 2009

malia's sick!

Malia has had a fever since MONDAY! Kalofae huh. This morning she woke up with a rash all over her torso so we finally took her to the doctor. He said it was a virus called Roseola that causes a high fever for several days and then a fine red rash for a few days. When the rash goes away the illness is gone. Whew! at least we know what it is, right? he he. He also told us she has an ear infection. Kalofae Malia. What's with my kids and ear infections? They must get it from their mother:) No worries, though. She's taking medicine and is on the mend!:) Here's hoping for a great next week!


The Guirola-Uyema's said...

Ah yes... Roseola... so many I know have gotten that this winter. I swear, dude-this winter has been a BAD BAD BAD one... Can't wait for the summer-hopefully Cryptosporidian doesn't come back (you know, that poop disease in the water).

Tina said...

I know what you mean about ear infections it seems like my kids ALWAYS have them!

Megs said...

Blake got that last year and it is no fun. Her face is so sad in this picture! I hope she is feeling better.

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

Hope you feel better sweet one!

Lolohea Tonga said...

Poor baby. I hate when they get sick...i feel so helpless. Semisi had RSV but it didn't get too serious...i can't wait to move somewhere thats warm in the winter! I'm glad she's doing better! :)

Leise said...

Aw, Mary! That picture makes me wanna cry (and I can't help but make a sad frowny face as I am typing this)!