Thursday, April 23, 2009

many hands make light work


Katina Angola said...

That is so cute. Benji does the opposite. He throws more crumbs on the floor for me to vacuum.

Line said...

Hahaha, cute! I need to get Spencer his own vacuum because he always insists on pushing the normal vacuum WITH me, which doubles my vacuuming time. :)

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

hahahaa send her my way !!!!

Taylor Tribe said...

Too cute!! Gotta love it!

Ipo said...

No wonder why your home looks so emmaculate! Awesome!

Leise said...

LMMO! Too cute, too funny those Alisa (oops, I mean Latu) girls!

alexis said...

Man I love her outfit! I think it's so cute when toddlers run around in diapers.