Sunday, April 26, 2009

taiana's birthday party

Malia went to Taiana's birthday party yesterday. Her mom, Sarana, my good friend and coworker, should get an award for most creative kid party. The theme was Dora the Explorer and the kids did exactly what Dora does - they followed a map and explored!! I was very impressed by her ingenuity. They made each room in their house a different part of the map, had little backpacks to collect all the souveniers they found on the way and in the end discovered keys that opened up the box that held the sweetest birthday cake I've ever seen! Seriously, such a cute party.
Malia struggled a little at first to get what was going on. . . but she caught on in the end.

After they got their trusty flashlights they had to crawl through the twisted tunnel to find the keys to open the lock. Mommy really likes the flashlight for her purse now. he he

I know what you're thinking - who's getting married? lol. No, that is the birthday cake. See, I told you it was the sweetest cake ever.

Thanks for a sweet party, Sarana. Someday I'll be as creative as you. . . :)

1 comment:

sarana said...

i'm flattered! LOL.... trust me when i say - i'm as creative as google will allow me to! =)