Sunday, June 14, 2009


It's that time of year again!! Orem Summerfest!! It has become somewhat of a tradition to spend the day at the carnival. Last year was sweltering hot and this year it poured rain. Thankfully, though, the rain stopped and the sun came out. We watched sum show, ate sum food and went on sum rides. It was a great SUMmerfest. lol!

our family

I've said before that Malia hates rides that move. Apparently she doesn't mind them too much if someone rides them with her. Sweet Mata.

The merry-go-round. I wonder what Kina was thinking. . .


Kina was pooped.

Highlight of the day? Definitely the FERRIS WHEEL. We waited in line for like, 20 minutes, but it was well worth it. It was so fun.

Nia and Kika

Mata and Travis (with Kina). They're getting married in ONE WEEK!! WOOHOO!

Me, Wayne and Malia. We were all worried about Malia getting scared and crying, but I think I got more scared of the ride than she did. She loved it! The whole time she waved at people below and pointed at the dogs. It was the girls' first ferris wheel ride!

Sum good family fun!


Lolohea Tonga said...

How fun! I wish we knew about little community activities like this. Im always telling manase about how we should get out more in the summer since we're stuck inside all winter. You guys are such a cute family. We miss you guys! but we're sure to be seeing you all soon. :)

Line said...

LOL @ the "peekaboo" picture. Hahaha... Looks like your family had a blast and it was fun to run into you guys.

And thanks for coming to the Kelly Clarkson concert! It was so fun having you guys there! :)

Kassie said...

Looks like so much fun. Your girls are just the cutest ever! I can't wait to do all these fun little things with our little guy! I LOVE the peek-a-boo picture!! So cute

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

I am TERRIFIED of Ferris Wheels... you're brave. I would much rather ride a roller coaster 10 times in a row instead of one of those once. :)

That peekaboo pic is HILARIOUS! ha ha!

jaY said...

i hate ferris wheels. i hate invites. i hate not seeing waynes big guns. i hate talking to mary at gap. bahahaha

Miki said...

love the Ferris wheel pictures!! those were awesome!

Corinne said...

love the's a constant battle to get Kate's pants to stay up - we see a lot of peek a boo around here! Looks like a blast!!