Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas!!

Merry Christmas everybody!! We had a wonderfully busy day (as all families with both sets of in-laws in town can attest to) and we loved it! Since money was kinda low this year we didn't have to0 many "presents" per say, but we felt we received sooo many gifts this year and are truly blessed. My highlights of the day -
  • Waking up with my little family and seeing Malia open her present. We got her a Hello Kitty CD player. I think she's gonna love having music in her room.
  • Being with Dad Latu and Wayne's sisters to eat breakfast (Leo's yummy waffles!) and open presents at their house.
  • Talking with Michael. . . I mean, Elder Alisa (who is serving in the Puerto Rico mission) on the phone. He sounds GREAT!
  • Eating lunch (tongan food - yummm!) with Vai and Ti and opening presents at their house.
  • Taking NAPS!! (much needed and much appreciated! ha ha)
  • Eating dinner with my parents and siblings at my moms house. First time I ever had fried turkey - LOVE it!
  • Ending the day with some VOLLEYBALL! woohoo!
  • and lastly, the amazingly AWESOME care package from the Inouye family. Just picture a LOT of coupon stuff from the coupon queen herself. Thank you Ula!!!
It was a busy, busy day but SO much fun. Malia and Kina had a blast opening the gifts from their aunties and uncles and grandparents and we had a blast spending time with everybody. Thank you! All of you!! Merry Christmas everybody!!

1 comment:

Inouyes said...

Sounds like you guys had so much fun with family around and we are so appreciative of your guy's true friendship. Thanks for being a blessing in our lives LUV THE LATU'S!