Wednesday, October 06, 2010

first family pic

We've finally taken our first picture as a family of FIVE!  As you can tell by our ugly clothes and my messy hair, we weren't planning on taking pictures this day (we were just taking a family drive), but since we were all together at the Mt. Timp temple I thought we should take advantage.  It's a special place for us because this is where we took our very FIRST family picture more than four years ago on our wedding day.  I'm glad I actually had my hair did for those pictures! haha I love my family!

Latu Family


Andrea said...

Cute Family!

Tina said...

you guys are adorable! can you please take a family pic with everyone wearing matching glasses... that'd be so cute! just a thought :)

Tina said...

oh and please tell wayne he's fired... he knows why LOL LOL LOL

Crystal said...

i love love love this pic!!! it is so cute - blurry and all!! what a precious memory this pic will be for your kids in the future. so cute! just imagine....three years from now you could be a family of 7!!! wow!!! hahahaha!!! ;) ;) ;)

Kam said...

ur so cute mary, lol! messy hair or not, it's a beautiful family photo seriously. so precious!

sarana said...

capture the memory when you can....blurry and all! our family love timp too!

Margaret Vance said...

What a beautiful family you have Mary!

Margaret Vance said...

p.s. What is your email address? I changed blogs and need to send you an invite (if you want it :)). shoot me an email at