Friday, October 22, 2010

we are fam-i-ly

So after sweet Lizette saw our sad excuse for a family picture (posted previously), she generously asked if we'd like a family photo shoot.  We were like, Uh, YES PLEASE! haha  She is so good at what she does. She also brought along a talented assistant who was a pro at making the kids smile and the adults crack up.  Haha Thanks Mata!! They did an awesome job and we are so grateful for our new family pics!

Latu Family

Thank you Liz!  We love you!


Inouyes said...

Luv the family pictures Tali is getting so big she is adorable of course Queen Malia & Princess you look good after 3 kids you kill me! luv ya!

daveandsavani said...

i loovvvee the pictures. beautiful family!! i think tali looks like kina!! =))

Line said...

Love the family pix. Liz did a great job. And you really do look great Mary!

gramma peggy said...

You are Bea-u-ti-ful!

Can't wait to see you!

gramma peggy said...

You are Bea-u-ti-ful!

Can't wait to see you!

Kam said...

great photos! i thought your other photo was just as great :-)

lilika'imoana said...

SO beautiful :) Your girls are gorgeousness! And can I please look as good as you after three kids. hehe LOVELY~

Mom said...

These are great pics Mary!!! Thanks so much! I love your family SO much! Love, Mom

Crystal said...

oh my gosh, can i say christmas cards??? that is a perfect family pic!! man, liz is a pro already!!!! i LOOOOVE it!!!

Lizette Pope said...

Thank you so much Mary for letting me take pics of your cute family! I had so much fun! Love yall!

Uale Family said...

I love you too liz:)LOL!! Love you mary!!

Ku'uipo Photography said...

Grrrrreat pix Love them!! Great job Liz! It always helps to have a great lookin family GO LATU's!! :)

Ku'uipo Photography said...
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Unknown said...

Cutest family ever. =)

sarana said...

amazing photos of your beautiful family!

Margaret Vance said...

Love the pictures! You have such a beautiful family! Soooo Ensign-worthy, you know :)