Saturday, October 09, 2010

tali's baby shower

Tali went to the doctor's on Tuesday and found out she was effaced 80% and dilated to a three.  All week, I was worried that she would go in to labor before the shower today.  THANKFULLY, she made it  - uncomfortable and swollen - but she made it! haha  After the shower she said she wanted to jog home since it was now safe to have her baby (I think she took my threats about going into labor early seriously lol).

The shower was open house style - I'm not a big "shower games" person - and it was fun to mingle with everyone.  Instead of games we gave away hawaii treats as door prizes.  We had mom's chicken rolls, fruit, veggies and LOTS of sweets (can you tell me and Tali planned the menu?).  Thank you to everyone who helped set up (Melba and Amber), cook (MOM) and came to celebrate! (I apologize for the pics - I didn't really take any till the end)

Line (unconsciously) modeling our cute sign. Thanks Line!
Tali opening gifts - this baby is gonna be dressed to impress!
Some of our cousins that came - thank you Stone/Toelupe family!
It was so fun to see all our PCC/Laie peeps - Ni'i, Mary Ahmu  (she JUST moved here from Hawaii and we're so excited she's here!), Crystal, Shan, Tali, Line, Lani, Juaul and me.  Love these ladies!

I think showers are such great excuses to get together - and they're always fun because something so wonderful is being celebrated.  I'm so grateful for our family and friends who are helping Tali and Inoke prepare for this exciting time.  I can't wait to meet my little neice!


gramma peggy said...

Thanks for the Shower Report, Mary!

So, I guess that little girl can join us any time now, right? Yay!

How exciting!!!



Vika said...

Its so cute Mary, so sad I missed out. I didn't remember that we had all these things planned out for homecoming. Malik ran in the courgar run and the parade but I have Tali's gift. Can you text me your address again?

Inouyes said...

So cute Mary everything looked cute you are awesome! Congrats Tali!

Crystal said...

good job mary! it was so much fun! glad i got to go! :)