Saturday, July 02, 2011

"wow. you really have your hands full!"

Yesterday, I took the girls to a dentist appointment and a sweet woman in the waiting room said this to me.  Actually, whenever I'm out alone with the three girls, I hear this line a lot.  The people saying it usually either have a very surprised/shocked tone or one of compassion and encouragement.  I usually just laugh and nod.  It's true, though - my hands ARE very full.  Three children under four is a lot of work.  There's a lot of potty breaks, snack times, diaper changes, needs for nursing and nap times to be figured out every day.  I think raising children is just like everything else in life, though.  It's difficult when you start (and when I say difficult, I mean pulling-my-hair-out-stressed-out haha), but slowly, slowly things are learned and routines are made and it gradually gets easier.

I still remember the first time I was completely alone for a few hours with Malia and Kina.  Kina, of course, was still a newborn, and I just remember being so stressed that they were both crying at the same time.  With only one, I could always drop what I was doing to soothe her.  With two, I was unsure of who to help or what to do.  Come to think of it, I think that was my hardest transition - one to two.  For me, it was harder than two to three. Anyways, slowly I got used to the crying so I didn't get stressed out and learned to stay calm so I could handle both kids as best as I could.  By the time Tali came, we all had a little routine down and she just kinda blended into the mix.  Of course, I still have very stressful times - when the kids are grumpy/tantrumy or when we're rushing to something important - but I feel like for the most part things are semi-under control.  It feels good to be semi-under control. Especially when I know what it feels like to live in complete chaos Haha. Nap times and snack times are so much easier now.  I still remember LAYING down with Malia waiting for her to fall asleep every night.  She wouldn't sleep without one of us there.  It was terrible.  We'd have to wait there for hours - and sometimes after she'd FINALLY fall asleep we'd slowly crawl out of the room and make a little noise and she'd wake up and we'd have to start all over again.

We just didn't know how to DO everything.  And we still don't - but we're learning every day.  Even now, though, as the girls walk to their rooms and lay down for nap time I still say a little prayer of gratitude because I totally remember the daily battle it used to be.  And that's how everything is.  It has slowly gotten easier . . . and we've grown accustomed to the tasks at hand. I'm not saying grocery shopping alone with three is completely EASY . . . maybe I've just gotten used to it so I know how to handle the crazy moments better hehe. Now, I know it won't always be just like this.  Something new will be thrown in the mix (like school or lessons or whatever) and we'll have to learn that new skill and get good at it before it gets easier.  I totally get that.  And I love it.  I love learning more about motherhood.  I want to be a better mother.  Being a better mother makes me a better person.  Seriously.  I have so much love in my heart for my children.  And that love overflows to other things.  I'm SO grateful I have the opportunity to be a mom to my three fun/beautiful/crazy/curious/growing/energetic and sometimes cranky girls!  Haha I love it! I really do.

So. . . Yes! I definitely have my hands full. My hands AND my heart. COMPLETELY FULL!

And since no post is really complete without a picture - this pic of Tali was taken earlier today. LOL!

Oh, PS - Dentist said still no cavities! Woohoo!!


gramma peggy said...

Dear Mary,

Yes, it's true that you really do have your hands full!

And all of your other observations are so true, too.
You really are a good mother, Mary!

And being a mother truly is the biggest job, the greatest opportunity, and the purest joy in the world.

I'm so glad you see all that, and love it the way you do.

I loved being a mom, too. I still do. It's the greatest blessing of my life.

Being a Gramma and a Great Gramma is icing on the cake!

I love you,


Crystal said...

Wow, you really are the winner for most posts in one day!! i love aaalll of the updates! glad u are blogging again!! :) we sure missed yah!

Author said...

Mar, I love this post so much. You are such an incredible mom - your babies are so blessed!

Lizette Pope said...

I love that you updated with tons of posts! You go Mary! Also, yes you do have your hands full--but with the cutest blessings that Heavenly Father has given you. Your girls are adorable Mary and they are so lucky to have you as their mother. Love you and your family!

Unknown said...

Agreed, blog post overload!! Thanks for the updates, as always I really enjoy reading your insightful posts and seeing the girls growing =)

lilika'imoana said...

love the updates--your family is growing up so fast and beautiful! tali is getting suuuuuper big, i swear i just saw her newborn self in front of your mom's yard yesterday! lol. love you latu family!