Thursday, June 26, 2008



Yes, I'm so excited.

No, I haven't finished packing yet.

We'll write when we get there!!



Steph said...

SOOOO fun to hear from you and see what you are up too!!! congrats already on one little BEAUTIFUL baby, and i pray this second delivery will go well and everythihg will turn out great -- must be super scary - i know i have been scared the whole time too -and altho we have had a few glitches everything is going well now, so all i can do is try to enjoy this HOT HUMID HEAT and hope the baby comes early -- earlier than august 21 the due date!

Ku'uipo Photography said...

Hooray for you guys!! Be sure to have a safe trip and DON'T FORGET TO COME BACK!!lol we LOVE YOU GUYS!! TAKE CARE CAUSE WE CARE!!

The Maire Family said...

Hi Mary, I found your blog page off of Savani's. I hope you don't mind :) I didn't know you were expecting another baby, CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope it all goes well. You can check out my blog -
Take care.
Jen (Niu)

Megs said...

I am so jealous of you going to Hawaii. Why are you going, just for fun? Take lots of pictures. I love the pictures of Malia in the pool.

daveandsavani said...

im so excited for you mary. its always so good to go back home!!