Sunday, June 15, 2008

Saturday fun - a RUN, some SUN, and little MATRIMONIUM

mary: isn't that clever? what is that - alliteration? assonance? what's it called again?
wayne: it's rhyming.
We had a GREAT Saturday!

We started the day off with 5K in the morning. It was at BYU to promote an end to domestic violence. It was called BREAK THE SILENCE. The sprinters were Wayne, Travis Uale and Tana Uyema. The runners were Leo, Leonne Hunkin, and Jasmin Stone. The walkers were Ireen Toelupe, Kalo, Penny Anae and ME! We HAD to walk because Malia came with us - yeah, it was a sacrifice, but someone had to do it:)

It was a beautiful day and a fun course that started at the RB, went to the stadium, down 9th, past the law building, to Brick Oven and back to the Smith Fieldhouse. It wasn't that long, but by the end my legs were KILLING me. Nia and Kina met us at the end to cheer us to the finish line. Unfortunately, by the time we got there it was already taken down. Sad, huh. Still, it was a great workout and a LOT of fun to do together as a family.

After our naps, we headed to the Orem Summerfest by the Orem Library. We had burgers and fries for lunch, watched the show put on by our local talent and browsed the different vendors tents. There was some way cute stuff, but I deliberately didn't bring cash so I wouldn't make any impulse purchases. Still, it was fun to see everything brought out. Malia had a blast and I got some much needed sun.

By the end of it all, Malia was EXHAUSTED. As soon as we got in the car, she fell asleep. I think we should do this every Saturday!

p.s. i SWEAR we have nothing against the U. We just thought this shirt was funny:)

We ended our Saturday fun by attending Tua and Chelsea Fales wedding reception at the Tongan stake center. Aunty Isa and Liane Anae did the decorations - it was beautiful. All the women in the ward, including Wayne's mom did the food - it was DELICIOUS. For reals, they had the grinds! I got to enjoy the food, while Mata took Malia around to meet everybody. It was fun catching up with Lene and her cute girls. Congratulations to the happy couple!!


nini said...

HAHA, cleva cleva I must say Mary!! So is Saturday now Rhyming Saturday? haha cute post

Vika said...

What a fun Saturday. love the pics!

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

How fun! I was registered to run on Saturday but I slept in. haha. Well, we're having Carlos' party tomorrow (Friday), you should come it would be funtastic! Check out our blog for details

The Guirola-Uyema's said...

How fun! I was registered to run on Saturday but I slept in. haha. Well, we're having Carlos' party tomorrow (Friday), you should come it would be funtastic! Check out our blog for details