Friday, June 27, 2008

HAWAII TRIP - the flight

My cousin, Marvin Toelupe is getting married on Saturday and I bought my ticket ages ago to attend - I was bummed I'd have to go by myself, but I haven't been home in more than a year and probably won't get to go again for a while. Wayne wasn't planning on going because of school. To make a long story short - after finding out his class this semester is taped and played on the internet and some VERY generous family members offered to help with his ticket - he's COMING!! I'm so grateful/happy/excited. Kika is taking her Senior trip to Hawaii and Sili is going to work.

Of course, even though I said I wouldn't, we ended up packing last minute for our trip to Hawaii. Wayne had to go take a test, so I had the fun task of packing and getting myself and Malia ready at the same time. Thankfully, Kina and Leo showed up to help me and everything went perfectly. We even left for the airport ahead of schedule. I couldn't believe it. Nia drove Sili and Kika and Kina drove me and Wayne to the Salt Lake Airport. It was sad to say goodbye to them.

We had Burger King for lunch. Ever wondered what a 8 buck burger tastes like? We can tell you. Don't you just love airport prices?

I was SOOO nervous about the flight with Malia. I brought books, snacks and even Benodryl hoping I wouldn't have to use it. Thankfully and unbelievably, about a half hour after take off, Malia fell asleep and stayed that way for the next four hours. The flight attendants and all the people around us kept giving her cookies and treats and she was practically giggling the whole time. I was SOO grateful. The flight was beautiful and totally stress-free.
Finally, after the 6 hour direct flight we arrived in PARADISE. It was lovely. My dad picked us up from the airport and Aunty Peka and Liu took all our bags to Laie. I'm so glad we're all here as a family.


Vika said...

I'm so glad you finally blog about hawaii... I kept checking everyday since you left :) Great family trip!

sarana said...

soak up that sun! love the pics - all for the sake of the blog!!

daveandsavani said...

im so happy that you finally made it to hawaii. i bet it feels so good that you dont want to come back..right? maybe? haha... well i hope you have a fabulous time at home! dont be in too big of a rush to come back to utah! =)

Unknown said...

I'm such a blogger stalker but I found your blog from Saia and Line. I was reading about your pregnancy and hope that everything goes okay. Have fun in
Hawaii..I'm jealous. Your lil family is cute.

jaY said...

eh wayne...just FYI, peeps will know ur not from hawaii if you were nice sunday dress slacks on da airplane! and shouldnt ur shirt be a lil tighter? that one looks loose!