Wednesday, October 13, 2010

amalani ta'aloga hafoka

Remember how I threatened Tali about not going into labor before the baby shower?  Well, I never knew I had such pull with her. haha  A couple hours after the shower, Tali was in the hospital because her water broke.  I arrived there a few hours later and after a long labor (and one whole hour of pushing!) Tali gave birth to her beautiful baby girl at 5:45 am.  Watching my only sister in labor was very emotional for me.  It's so hard seeing someone you love in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it.  Also, I've never before witnessed a live birth and I have to say - it truly is a MIRACLE!  I was amazed.  I'm so grateful I was able to be there with them.  Inoke was such a great coach and Tali was so strong.  It was a truly beautiful experience!  She's named after Inoke's grandma and mine and Tali's aunty.  She has a ton of black hair and her looks kinda pull the Hafoka side.  She's absolutely precious.

BEFORE her epidural all Tali could muster up was a shaka.  AFTER she was able to relax.   
I love this picture - it's so awesome seeing my sister as a mom.

Amalani was 7 lbs. 2 oz and 19 in. long. Here she is with Baby Tali - it's amazing how much they grow in two months!

Malia and Kina meeting their cousin.  Kina calls her "Baby Nani".

Tali and me and our babies - I'm so excited to experience motherhood together.


Inouyes said...

Congratulations your girls are so darling! So so so precious BABY HUNGRY over here lol!

Line said...

Congrats Tali and Inoke! She's a beauty! And how fun, she has a cousin so close in age. :)

gramma peggy said...

Thank you so much, Mary!

Those pictures are priceless.

How wonderful that you girls are going to be bringing up your daughters together.

They'll be more like sisters than cousins, don't you think?

It's all so beautiful, it makes me want to cry!!

I love you all so much!

Taylor @ Drinking From Jars said...

HOORAY! I am so happy her water broke! For some reason that always seems the better way to go in my mind. My sister in law was in active labor for 12 hours at home before they would let her into the hospital and give her an epideral. I am so happy amalani is healthy and here. She is gorgeous! Wish I could have stayed longer at the shower - it was so much fun!

Kam said...

Oh my goodness, too precious! Congratulations to Tali. I need to watch a live birth too, lol.

Oh, my visiting teacher is Kristi Dial and she said your husband teaches her daughter piano. She said they all LOOVE Wayne alot and that he's so awesome. Only great things were said so it only means you guys are awesome, lol.

The Maire Family said...

Congratulations Tali!! She is so cute! You guys both have beautiful daughters. How fun to be close to your sister and able to experience all these wonderful motherhood "challenges" together! :) Good luck with everything.

Uale Family said...

AWWWWW!!! She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! I'm so happy for Tali and Inoke. Perfect timing:)

Lolohea Tonga said...

Beautiful babies!! I agree 100% with everything. Having babies together has brought my sister and I so much closer! and the babies look like twinsies! I LOVE IT!

Titi said...

Thanks for sharing your side of the story Mary. I love all the pictures!

Crystal said...

awww...congrats! she is so cute and she definitely pulls the hafoka side!! dang hafokas. why do they gotta have such strong genes for? hahahaha. jp. excited for tali to be a mom and for you to have a sis to go through it with.

lilika'imoana said...

OMG. I had no idea tali had a baby?! I just asked noke (funaki lol) and he's like, what?! LOL! We are so clueless here. Yeah, we have like no connections to what's going on- thank goodness for technology! ha. CONGRATS!! You two mamas keep up the great work- popping out beautiful pples ;)